virtual archipelago

Diogo Evangelista’s The Sky Exists, 2017 Installation view at Maat Museum

Diogo Evangelista’s The Sky Exists, 2017
Installation view at Maat Museum

Reflecting the current paradigm, a virtual archipelago is created. Each isolated artist, an island, separated by oceans of data, will take part of this residence program exhibited online at the Harddiskmuseum.


@andrea.samory @diogo__evangelista @francesco__pacelli @__________inesnorton__________ @mitborras @pauloarraiano @solimanlopez @skinnyaliens @harddiskmuseum #virtualarchipelago #isolation #quarantine #oceansofdata #anthropocene #biosphere #climatechange #contemporaryart #reactcontemporar


Butterfly Birth Bed, Video, 2020



Sky Loop, Video, 2020
4 Channel film installation, exemple clip. A metaphysical film and sculpture installation inspired by “the butterfly effect” theory and the artist VLM’s own experience weathering Houston’s epic natural disaster, Hurricane Harvey. Invoking the butterfly effect philosophy—the idea that any small change in our environment, even the gentle flapping of a butterfly’s wings, can create big climatic change—the sensorial SKY LOOP exhibition reveals an incantation of hope, healing, and recovery.


Cytochrome. Video (Stills), 2020


inhale, exhale (self breathing kit), Video (Stills), 2020
Here you stand,
on the only planet in the solar system
where atmosphere sustains life.
an imaginary line… karman,
100 kilometres from outer space,
reaches the surface,
a tender and gentle blanket of gas,
penetrates your body, makes you breathe,
like a shaman,
protects you from blasts, heat, radiation,
emanating from the sun.
From extreme cold of poles to tropical heat of the equator,
warms our body and planet by day… cools it at night.
intense pressure,
decreases with altitude, tenderly touching the soil,
your skin, ocean levels.
the same ocean that gently floats inside you.
it protects and sustains life
water, air, your essence.
Yet, you forget to breathe.
gas increases, while you trap the heat into the atmosphere.
from water, from oxygen,
all living forms where able to grow, survive,
procreate and colonise this planet… transform it.
Yet, you forget to breathe,
your human privilege,
dancing through biosphere as a divinity
in an ecological orgy that makes you stay alive,
you forget to breathe,
to stop, to nurture…
as vapour… your soul dances with technological atoms
transforming itself into a place of no memory, no past, eternal,
becoming immortal data, until… electricity disappears.
water, oxygen, inside,
penetrates you through every breath
open pores,
yet… you ignore it
you simply pretend to forget
that (1)Below the asphalt, lies the beach.
(2)Inhale, exhale
forward, back
living, dying:
arrows, left flown each to each
meet midway and slice
the void in aimless flight
thus I, return to the source.

(1) Legacy of the Frankfurt School, Seyla Benhabib
(2) Gesshu Soko [Aiko Poem]



Asseptic-Synestesia, Video (Still), 2020
A time to contemplate. More than seeing, being within. More than observing, being part of. A time to slow down. Feeling the texture of the details, the softness of the skin’s plant, the rainbow on a water drop, the balance of a spider web, the sound of the silence, the velvety taste of an egg pudding. Unleashing from the fog, the noise and all other layers, the essence, the core of things. Following at a glance the aura that reveals truth in its ballast of diffused light. Merging with the nature, letting the DNA, to embark together in a dance of knowledge, a dance of wisdom. Reality is there. Is here.



Cytochrome II, Video (Stills), 2020
Ergonomy is the ultimate form of desire. Desire of future. 


Self isolation, quarantine, infection force ourselves to interrogate our bodies, and our identities as physical entities.
Which part of my body is alive and which is dead?
My internal organs, bones and ligaments constantly hold each other in a secret hug, I can feel them rubbing other, I can hear them scraping on each other.

"So finally his mouth  sealed over,    and the whole head would have amputated spontaneous except for the eyes you dig. That’s one thing the asshole couldn’t do was see. It needed the eyes. But nerve connections were blocked and infiltrated and atrophied so the brain couldn’t give orders any more. It was trapped in the skull, sealed off. For a while you could see the silent, helpless suffering of the brain behind the eyes, then finally the brain must have died, because the eyes went out, and there was no more feeling in them than a crab’s eyes on the end of a stalk." - William S. Burroughs, excerpt from the "talking ass routine", Naked Lunch, 1959



Aura, Video, 2020
Drying, the deers from Nara, waves, a tiny shark, the Cambodian temple of Ta Prohm, liquids removed from a body once alive, a polystyrene foam component from a coffee machine packaging. Artificial architecture of an altered mental state. Disturbed connection. No connection. Full connection. A collective organism made of tiny fragile pieces that must breathe in unison in order not to die.



Receptive landscape, Video, 2020
Slowly, all senses are awakening.
A room can be a place with no borders.
Time flow is fading, let's absorb the energy provided by the universe.
Lightly, in a state of perennial electrical fluctuation.


inhale, exhale (self breathing kit), Video, 2020
Small breathing reminder, in a moment where an exterior threat to our species in form of a virus is present. A moment to perceive our body, our possibility to communicate with the outside nature and our essential dialogue with oxygen.

Inhale, exhale

Forward, back

Living, Dying:

Arrowns, left flown each to each
Meet midway and slice 
The void in aimless flight
Thus I return to the source.
Gesshu Soko
[Aiko Poem]

#isolation #residence #climatechange
#biosphere #breath #oxygen



Cytochrome, Video, 2020
Breath in, 
Breath out tension, 
illness and any problems in your body. 
Relax your muscles totally. 
Continue to breath smoothly 
as you mentally scan your body
looking for any remaining tension. 
Embrace the progress,
become a perfect machine.


A Plant a Cyborg a Ghost
I'm the drone, I am the hand that drives the drone, I am the finger, the controller, the pressure, the command, I am the connection between the hand and the drone, I am the distance to the drone, I am the distance with other drones, I'm the other drone, I'm all drones, I'm drone swarm, I am the pools that the drone sees, I am the plains that the drone sees, the shopping centers that the drone sees, the motorways, the power plants, the gyms that the drone sees, the mountains that the drone sees, the peaks, the valleys, the meanders, the fjords,, I am the lakes that the drone sees, I am the river forest that the drone sees, I am the remains of other, civilizations that the drone sees, the caves that the drone sees, the cenotes that the drone sees, the deserts that the drone sees, I am the snakes that crawl in the deserts that the drone sees, I am the trail left by the snake, I am the slime, I am the prey that the snake eats and the drone sees, I am the fields that the drone sees, I am the chemicals that irrigate the fields ,I'm the organophosphate, I am the organochlorines, aldrin, endrin, lindane, cypermethrin, pentachlorophenol, benomyl, Linuron, brodifacoum, parathion methyl, I am the mountain systems that the drone sees, I am the volcanoes that the drone sees, I am the glaciers that the drone sees, I am the tourists who photograph the glaciers, I am the ergonomics of all objects, I'm the orthosis, the prosthesis, I am the material of the prosthesis, I'm polyethylene, cobalt, carbon fiber, I'm hydraulic, pneumatic, I am all machines, I am the soft hand that drives the machine, I am all the hands that drive all the machines, I am the mechanical advantage, I am the pressure, I am the obsolescence of the machines, I am the potential of the machines, the germ of the machines, the inception of the machines, I'm the apps, I am augmented reality, I am the binary language, Esperanto, the dead languages, I am maternal love, I am the fluctuations in the stock market, I'm the cryptocurrencies, I'm the bitcoin investors, I am the sweat of the investors, I am the smell of investors, the excitement of investors, I am dermatitis, I am the disease, I am the fraternity, I am the bilateral agreements, I'm the vaccines, I am the plastic wrap of vaccines, I'm the machines that synthesize vaccines, I am synthetic hair, I am implanted hair, I am the geometric patterns on which the organic hair is implanted, I am the software that designs the protocol for hair transplants, I'm the transplanted heads, I am the heads of the brokers, I am the heads of the mystics, I am the heads of the siamese, the ideas of the siamese, the parts where the heads of the siamese are united, I am the cypresses, the birches, the walnuts, the ferns, the gladioli, the cedars, the asclepias, hypoestes, honeysuckle, aloe, balm, the lichens and the stamens of all the flowers, the sex of flowers, the hermaphroditism, the spirit of fertilization of all the species of the world, of all animals and living beings, your desire to fuck, your desire to survive, your desire to prosper, your desire to transcend, I am the security protocols of all official buildings, the security doors, the security cameras, the panic rooms, the algorithms, the dark rooms, the hyperbaric chambers of the wealthy class, Oxygen and elite, I am botox, I am the allergic reaction, I am the admiration, I am the flashes, I am serenity, I am meditation, I am fitness, I am wellness, I am the sports routines, I am the composition of facial creams, I am the promises of the creams, I am the commercial strategies, I'm the stock market crash, I am the uncertainty, I am the adaptability, I am all soft materials, all elastic materials, I am all hydrophobic materials, I am the drought, I am the plague, I am the solidarity smoothies, I am the rubber that protects the bumper plates of the crossfit, I am the perfume of stores, I am the hydrocarbons, I am the smell of phytoplankton, I am the ocean currents, I am the sex of the algae, I'm the jellyfish, I am the electric fish, I am the cellular material of 3D printers, I'm the printed organ, I am the electric skin, I am synthetic skin, I am cyborg skin, I am the organs of the cyborg, I am cyborg love, I am the motor traction that flexes the limbs of a cyborg, I am the cyborg concern, I am the cyborg dream.

Adapting to human extinction is the ultimate form of technological progress

cytochrome 01. Mit Borrás.jpg

day 5th

Self isolation, quarantine, infection force ourselves to interrogate our bodies, and our identities as physical entities. How many images of the self can one body hold, and how many images of myself can someone else’s body hold?

“The sentence you are reading is the mirror image of a sentence that 
appears elsewhere, a mirror image that, in turn, has been reflected in 
another mirror so that the words appear here in their proper order, 
except that – because of an imperfection in the mirror 
(an imperfection that, moreover, because of the reflection, can move 
from day to day and that become, hence, two imperfections, or three, 
or four) – certain letters in the original sentence have changed and, 
thus, appear here as letters still similar to, but not quite the same as,
those that were written”. - Vito Acconci, 1969



I am relaxed,
I am serene,
I am domesticated,
My body is not a temple, it is a wellness center.
My life is a permanent soft event. 
I am the moderation, 
I am the meditation,
I am the adaptability, 
I am the equilibrium, 
I am the concentration,
I am the equidistance,
I am a tibetan monk, 
I am a yogi, 
I am a runner,
I am the remote work,
I am the low pollution rates, 
I am the mountains, 
I am the stones, 
I am all the statues made
of the stones of all the mountains,
I am all the flexible things, 
I am a tendon,
I am a scrotum,
I am silicone,
I am soap,
I am cream, 
I am hydrogel, 
I am a puddle of disinfectant,
I am the vaccine, 
I am facial mud, 
I am Epinephrine,
I am Oxycodone
I am Hydrocodone,
I am Codeine,
I am Morphine,
I am Fentanyl,
I am vapor,
I am the smoke of the vapers 
floating among all the files of the cloud.


DAI, Document of Artificial Intelligence, VIDEO, 2020
The DAI is a document invented by the machine to question the values of the physical and political frontier in the era of digitalisation.


Shall we dance…
Hi baby!!!! Didn’t notice that you were here…!
Well, still online… downloading emotions while having a cold drink.
Shall I turn on the camera? Shall I? Shall we dance? ;)
To be truly honest, today I feel somehow, kinda disconnected from the Cloud…
(Did I pay this month? Did I?)
And you baby? How do you feel today? Any news?
Any new followers? New stories? How was it?
I feel like a complete mess, really!
A lot of stuff happening at the same time.
Trying to get it together but need more time.
Have to finish a few other things today.
My mind… A mess… Totally floating. Just needed to catch up. To be honest just needed some grounding. You do that to me. Really. Still completely stuck in this hermetic idea of going on a VR trip somewhere. I’m a cliché, right? Well… just being me.
Why shall I judge myself all the time…
Just a bland little drama… Anyway…
Shall I turn on the camera? Shall I?
If I only had enough emojis to express the way I feel about you… I feel…
You know me so well by now, but… Feel so changed… Really. Been swiping relationships, scrolling reality, and then suddenly… U.
Not even upgraded Tinder anymore. Well… don’t judge me… just being myself.
Well, have to refill this cold drink while listening to this stupid suggested playlist. Why don’t I upgrade?
But still feel like dancing ;), don’t you?
Shall I turn on the camera?
Always loose Wi-Fi while looking at you…
By the way… Have you checked that article I sent you?
The one, about the 10 most…incredible lists, right? Top reviews and all…
Best literature ever!! Can you imagine… Doing it together… Because sometimes it gets so boring that not even I can tolerate this and have to try to find something more interesting to do…
scroll my way out of this, you know?
By the way… Checked your tweets yesterday, truly captures who you really are. You have such a nice way of putting things… so deep… so authentic and spontaneous.
It really made my day.
Oh, Sorry, no battery…, Well… have to
shut down, see you tomorrow right?
Same time, same place? Lov U Baby…


Propelled Devices, Video, 2020
Drone does not eat drone.



Screen Shot 2020-03-27 at 19.19.46.png


Inhale, exhale

Forward, back

Living, Dying:

Arrowns, left flown each to each
Meet midway and slice 
The void in aimless flight
Thus I return to the source.
Gesshu Soko
[Aiko Poem]

#isolation #residence #climatechange #biosphere



Re-learning time perception.How does the concept of time could be replaced by new measures, new paradigms. More alignment with our own bio-rhythm is required. Sync with the breath of the universe is an appeal.Stopping, re-thinking as a whole is the new order. #time #soft #perception #heal #desire
